Friday, November 12, 2010

Going In Circles

Yesterday I needed a pick me- up, so I started to watercolor, just for an hour. This Is what I came up with. I'm in the process of pattern making designing for possible clothing tags/ bussiness cards for a lovely company called Pookie & Sebastian. Today I just got a email saying that they love these and are most likely going to play around with my designs and use them. Kinda cool. Beyond excited with the thought of having my artwork being used and put out there for the world ( all of Pookie's customers) to see. Follow your heart, I have ..and I don't regret a minute of it.


1 comment:

  1. That is so neat! I love the water colors. Just visited the Pookie & Sebastian website and found it kind of blah. Maybe they could incorporate your designs into their website too! I think that the second to last one would be a visually appealing background without being distracting.
